With this #jaworskyj ND filter table you can see how to set up the camera with the different #jaworskyj ND filters. For example, set the aperture to F9 and the ISO to 100 and read the shutter speed for correct exposure without an ND filter. Now look in the table to see which shutter speed you need with the corresponding filter. Screw on the #jaworskyj ND filter and adjust the shutter speed according to the table.
F9, ISO 100 and 1/60 shutter speed without ND filter
-> F9, ISO 100 and 1 second shutter speed with 64x ND filter
The shutter speed becomes about 64x longer.
You can download the #jaworskyj ND filter tables here, print them out and put them in the transparent slot on the filter bag. This way you always have your filter table with you.