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Learn Video Editing - For Beginners – Adobe Premiere CC

30,00 €
- %
  • Topic: Video Editing Video Course
  • Type: Download video course or stream
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Length: 135 Min. / 2,2 h
  • Size: 820 MB
  • Quantity: 5 videos
  • Format: Full HD .mp4
  • Direct download, available immediately

Price incl. VAT

Direct download, available immediately

Note for video courses: The right of withdrawal expires with the start of the download/stream.


Video editing for beginners

Have you already tried out the film mode on your camera and now want to edit all the footage into a video?

Filming videos and editing videos go hand in hand. I have already edited videos with many programs. From iMovie to Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro CC. We currently only edit with the latter, because you can do so many things in this program.

How do you shorten clips?

Advantages and disadvantages of Adobe Premiere Pro


  • Available for Windows and Mac
  • Everything you'll ever need for editing, you can do with this program (and add other Adobe programs like After Effects or Audition)
  • You can use it as a team
  • Color grading is as easy as in Lightroom and you can use layers like in Photoshop


  • It is very overwhelming for beginners and all the boxes and controls are confusing and complicated

How do I add overlays, e.g. fonts?

But it's actually not that difficult once you sit down and work with it step by step. That's exactly what we do in this video course. We'll start at the very beginning of the program and leave out all the unnecessary gimmicks.


The first video is a short travel video, filmed handheld and shaky. We can still make a lot out of the few scenes. We stabilize the material, look for suitable music that we can use and cut the scenes to the music. Benjamin Jaworskyj shows you what he pays attention to and how you can edit your own cool travel video quickly and easily.


In the second part, we will edit the interview situation that we recorded in its entirety in the Learn Filmmaking course for beginners. We mix 4K footage with HD scenes and arrange voice and music.

After this Learn Video Editing video course, you will understand the program much better and hopefully enjoy editing videos.

What is color grading and how does it work?


  • Overview + Getting started
  • Import clips
  • Music
  • Effects + overlays
  • Color grading
  • Stabilizing
  • Exporting
  • Editing A-Z: Interview

Cutting workflow A-Z: Interview


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